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A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem.
Lord, remember David
and all that he suffered.
2He made a solemn promise to the Lord.
He vowed to the Mighty One of Israel,132:2 Hebrew of Jacob; also in 132:5. See note on 44:4.
3“I will not go home;
I will not let myself rest.
4I will not let my eyes sleep
nor close my eyelids in slumber
5until I find a place to build a house for the Lord,
a sanctuary for the Mighty One of Israel.”
6We heard that the Ark was in Ephrathah;
then we found it in the distant countryside of Jaar.
7Let us go to the sanctuary of the Lord;
let us worship at the footstool of his throne.
8Arise, O Lord, and enter your resting place,
along with the Ark, the symbol of your power.
9May your priests be clothed in godliness;
may your loyal servants sing for joy.
10For the sake of your servant David,
do not reject the king you have anointed.
11The Lord swore an oath to David
with a promise he will never take back:
“I will place one of your descendants
on your throne.
12If your descendants obey the terms of my covenant
and the laws that I teach them,
then your royal line
will continue forever and ever.”
13For the Lord has chosen Jerusalem132:13 Hebrew Zion.;
he has desired it for his home.
14“This is my resting place forever,” he said.
“I will live here, for this is the home I desired.
15I will bless this city and make it prosperous;
I will satisfy its poor with food.
16I will clothe its priests with godliness;
its faithful servants will sing for joy.
17Here I will increase the power of David;
my anointed one will be a light for my people.
18I will clothe his enemies with shame,
but he will be a glorious king.”
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.